George has a great respect for the body and is in awe of its self-healing properties. He carefully assesses the whole body to find the cause. He loves to find and treat the cause of the symptoms for long-lasting change in the body. The techniques he uses are gentle, precisely moving the tissues to create change.
The osteopathic whole body approach is great to find the cause of a problem, but it is also great at finding and treating a restriction in movement patterns. So it is a useful tool for athletes/sports people to gain that edge in their performance by helping the body work with more freedom. It can help those old injuries that you nurse be less of a problem.
George has studied the effects of trauma and how people store emotions in their body. Stored emotions can lead to physical symptoms and osteopathic treatment can help the body process those emotions.
George successfully completed a Master of Osteopathy and a Bachelor of Applied Science in Human Biology, and has been studying osteopathy for more than two decades. He has done extensive further education in visceral (organs) and neural (nerves) osteopathy. He is a teaching assistant for the Barral Institute, which is the leading edge in the visceral field.
Great for people wanting to get to the cause of the issue
Great for elite athletes wanting their body to perform at a high level
For people of all ages, including babies – amazing how fast their bodies can change!
Great for people wanting their body to release stored emotion
Can treat muscles, joints, ligaments, bones, fascia, tendons, peritoneum, organs, and meninges – so plenty of scope to help you where you are at.
George is available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday